People are getting realized and Yes they are accepting that almost 80% of the current work will be done by automation. There will be a big revolution in industry within next 5 to 10 years. Professionals like #doctor #Engineer #architect #interiordesigner #designer #jewelery #jewellerymaking #manufacturing #manufacturer #chef #builder #contractor #teacher #education #artist and many more will need to upgrade them self or else automation will do their jobs. You may say its just a gimmick or some advertising stunt. Truly so, as we consider our self to be too experienced, too smart and virtually indispensable. Thinking our jobs will not be done without us.
Than lets just go 5 years back did you ever thought at that time, the way automation is working today. Technology has already created a profound influence on all of our lives.
Maybe you had never even thought of seeing TV, movies, video conferencing, whatsapping each other and so on like the way you are doing it right now.
Do you think automation will ultimately create jobs or costs jobs?
Technology has always created jobs and same goes with the automation in Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 belongs to the professionals who have upgraded them self with automation. The main part in automation is #3dprinting
3D Printing is going to rule on which ever field it touches. PLANETA 3D knowns it and for the betterment of the society and to spread the knowledge has made an educational video. This educational video is a complete guide towards the introduction to 3D Printing. Let me be really very frank the quality of content PLANETA 3D's team has included is very high. In this introductory video all 7 types of processes and 18 technologies related with each individual process is been introduced. Apart from that many more relative things are presented in the video.
Normally in introductory seminars only one process is highlighted and discussed, as main intention of the presenter is to only showcase the machine which they are selling or promoting. Here PLANETA 3D is promoting 3D Printing, so have shared maximum possible knowledge with the viewer.
Such seminars are charged till INR 5000/- but PLANETA 3D is giving complete #introduction @ rent just INR 150/- only.
See it and upgrade your knowledge. Make next generation see this. #Share the video with your all known for whom you will be a well wisher for sure